Our Wine Supply Chain: Worldwide, Reliable and with the Necessary Know How
Wine logistics requires a high level of product and service expertise. Equally important is the optimal utilization of the existing infrastructure. We cooperate with specialists in wine and beverage logistics. We are an important link to the internationally important wine and spirits producers, traders and importers, winegrowers’ cooperatives and family wineries.
For us, procurement means supply at the best possible conditions and includes all activities that serve to supply your company with materials, services, operating and working equipment, as well as rights and information from sources outside the company.
Sources: Development of alternative procurement sources.
Logistics: Ideal logistics solutions with optimized inventory and warehouse management.
Market orientation: Increasingly specific markets must be served through an increasing number of distribution channels
Transparency and reliability: We ensure a comprehensive reporting and controlling system
Price/performance optimization: We work with you to develop sustainable and profitable products and services.
Our consultants know the requirements on the sales and purchasing side. Compared to other manufacturing companies, procurement costs are even more significant for the company result than, for example, the otherwise dominant personnel costs. Numerous successful projects substantiate the effectiveness.
In operations, we consider the entire sales process of a product or service. This begins with the identification of the target group(s), includes the approach and acquisition of interested parties and continues through the actual sale to the delivery of the product to the customer. In the last few years, the subsequent support has also been increasingly counted as part of the sales process, as this can also generate new sales. We have been working intensively and successfully with the most important sales intermediaries for many years:
Offtrade — Retail — Discount — Hypermarkets-Supermarkets.
Ontrade — specialized trade — HoreCa — online