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Wine from Chile is par­ti­cu­lar­ly cha­rac­te­ri­zed by an ele­gant and sil­ky cha­rac­ter, which is pre­cis­e­ly due to the pro­xi­mi­ty to the Pacific Ocean and the Andes. Due to the high alti­tu­des and the coo­ling sea wind, the gra­pes slow­ly ripen to excep­tio­nal qua­li­ty. With about 500 mil­li­on liters of wine annu­al­ly, Chile holds the fifth place among wine export­ing count­ries worldwide.

The most famous Chilean wine regi­ons are the Valle Central and the Maipo Valley. The vel­ve­ty red wines and flowery white wines are cle­ar­ly the rising stars overseas.

Main gra­pe varie­ties (WHITE):
Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay Fruity, flo­ral yet mild, this is the best way to descri­be the cha­rac­ter of Chilean white wines.

Most important gra­pe varie­ties (RED)
Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Carmenere
If the­re is one varie­ty that empha­ti­cal­ly under­lines the uni­que­ness of Chilean wine, it is the old French gra­pe varie­ty Carménère, ori­gi­nal­ly from Bordeaux.

Main regi­ons
Central Valle with the sub­re­gi­ons of Maule and Maipo

from coun­try reports WEIN+MARKT 3|2024

Despite lar­ge­ly sta­ble pri­ces, with a hec­to­lit­re of Chilean wine cos­ting 143 euros (December 2022 to November 2023), Chile was unable to main­tain its import level. Imports to Germany fell by 14.4% in volu­me and by as much as 18.1% in value. Interestingly, the volu­me of white wine fell more shar­ply, by 19.3%, than that of red wine, by 16.3%, alt­hough the­re is a trend towards white wine. The ratio of white to red wine imports shifted in favor of white wine from 67 per­cent to 66 per­cent in 2022. The pro­por­ti­on of cask wine in German imports from Chile was 83 percent.