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The wine-growing regi­on of Argentina is the lar­gest in South America and the seventh lar­gest in the world behind Italy, France, Spain, USA, China and has deve­lo­ped into a glo­bal­ly reco­gni­zed and suc­cessful wine nati­on.
Probably the best known wine regi­ons today are Mendoza and La Rioja in the grea­ter Cuyo regi­on, which pro­du­ce many Argentine red wines. Malbec wines are pro­ba­b­ly the prot­ago­nists in Argentina in the con­text of red wine,
The Cafayate regi­on in Salta pro­vin­ce, on the other hand, is known for Argentine white wines. This aro­ma­tic white wine gra­pe Torrontés can hard­ly be found any­whe­re else. But also the well-known over­se­as clas­sics Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay are excel­lent white wines.
The wines from Argentina are a real pleasure!

Most important gra­pe varie­ties (WHITE)
Malbec, Bonarda, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Merlot

Main gra­pe varie­ties (RED)
Torrontes, Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc

Most important regi­ons
Mendoza — Midwest, in the Andes bor­de­ring Chile. About 70% of Argentine wine is pro­du­ced here.
San Juan — Bordering Mendoza to the north.
La Rioja — North bor­de­ring San Juan
Rio Negro — In the north of Patagonia
Catamarca — North bor­de­ring San Juan
Salta — In NW Argentina. In the depart­ment of Cafayate, 70% of the wine pro­duc­tion is con­cen­tra­ted. The viney­ards are the hig­hest com­mer­cial viney­ards in the world, with alti­tu­des ran­ging from 1,500 m to 2,400 m abo­ve sea level.

from coun­try reports WEIN+MARKT 3|2024

In Argentina, the har­ve­st is incre­asing again despi­te dif­fi­cult wea­ther con­di­ti­ons. The year was cha­rac­te­ri­zed by capri­cious wea­ther: a cool spring and the unu­sual­ly long-lasting Zonda wind dried out the vines. It remain­ed cool and dry until mid-January, fol­lo­wed by a heat­wa­ve with tem­pe­ra­tures of up to 40 degrees, which led to rapid ripe­ning and drought stress. Despite the heat, many regi­ons were able to retain their aci­di­ty in the wine at night, resul­ting in par­ti­cu­lar­ly suc­cessful varie­ties. Good white wines from Chardonnay and Sémillon as well as red wines from Pinot Noir and Syrah are expec­ted in the high alti­tu­des, pro­vi­ded they are not affec­ted by the zon­da. Malbec is also expec­ted to do well. In Mendoza, the year was rela­tively balan­ced, but coo­ler with a long ripe­ning peri­od. Although the har­ve­st volu­me has increased com­pared to the pre­vious year, it is still 15 per­cent below the avera­ge of recent years. In addi­ti­on, sub­si­dies were cut, put­ting small win­egro­wers under pres­su­re. The govern­ment has can­cel­led all non-repayable sub­si­dies, inclu­ding the Proviar II pro­gram. 8 mil­li­on dol­lars that were made available in November 2023 were never paid out.