Return to New World Wines

New Zealand

New Zealand: A see­mingly end­less, untouch­ed and deser­ted natu­re, no neigh­bors far and wide and more sheep than peo­p­le. New Zealand is not even as big as Italy, but pas­ses through three extre­me­ly dif­fe­rent cli­ma­te zones.
Unique like the natu­re are the wines. These enchant with pure, clear and imme­dia­te­ly pre­sent fla­vors. 2200 hours of suns­hi­ne, cool nights and a long ripe­ning peri­od pro­vi­de the uni­que fla­vors. A ran­ge of soils and cli­ma­tes allow for a varie­ty of wines.

North Island
Auckland-Bay of Plenty and Waikato-Gisborne-Hawke’s Bay-Wairarapa — Gladstone-Martinborough

South Island
Marlborough- Nelson-Canterbury-Waipara Valley-Waitaki Valley-Central Otago

Main gra­pe varie­ties (WHITE)
Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris

Main gra­pe varie­ties (RED)
Pinot Noir, Merlot encoun­ter sub­tro­pi­cal, cool mari­ti­me and con­ti­nen­tal cli­ma­tes.
Most of the viney­ards are loca­ted no more than 20 km from the sea, resul­ting in mari­ti­me con­di­ti­ons almost everywhere.

Discover and enjoy uni­que qua­li­ty wines from New Zealand.

from coun­try reports WEIN+MARKT 3|2024

Experts expect a signi­fi­cant decli­ne in har­ve­sts in New Zealand. Vineyard growth was below 1% for the first time sin­ce 2016, with a slight increase from 257 to 41,860 hec­ta­res. Between 2015 and 2023, the viney­ard area grew by 18 per­cent. The 2022 and 2023 har­ve­sts were lar­ger than usu­al and excee­ded 500,000 tons, resul­ting in 3.6 mil­li­on hec­to­li­t­res of wine. A 20–25% decli­ne in the har­ve­st is fore­cast for 2024, which will cau­se pri­ces for bulk wine to rise. Sauvignon Blanc from 2023 will beco­me more attrac­ti­ve, and the lif­ting of EU tariffs from May 2024 could pro­vi­de addi­tio­nal impe­tus. The New Zealand Winegrowers expect lower yields in all gro­wing regi­ons except Central Otago, but a high qua­li­ty vin­ta­ge thanks to the sun­ny fall. Despite the slow­down in area growth, New Zealand’s viti­cul­tu­re dif­fers from other count­ries: Exports rea­ched a new record of 3.16 mil­li­on hec­to­li­ters and NZD 2.4 bil­li­on in 2023. The avera­ge export pri­ce of 4.27 euros con­ti­nues to make viti­cul­tu­re attractive.